Spiced Cider Recipe
When it gets cold in San Diego…and by that I mean under 65 degrees we love to make spiced cider. Especially around the holidays, its a lot of fun to have a warming drink as you sit around the fire smothered in blankets, or packed in a thermos for a boozy walk to see the lights.
Spiced Cider is great for when you host parties, as the smell of spices warming fills the home (take the lid off the crockpot before hand). Easy and quick, you can simply prep ahead of time, and turn on when ready.
A perk to this recipe is you can freeze leftovers and use again. Simply rewarm in your crock pot or stove top.
A great option for when you do not have all the spices handy, and need something quick is Trader Joes Spiced Cider. Simply warm, and then add your rum. No one needs to know that you did not make it from scratch.